Gershon: As soon as I met Jen, I thought, "Oh my God, all I have to do is watch her." She was so amusing and so fun. A studio offered the a lot more money to make the movie, but they said that they had to make Corky a man. Tilly: It was a classic film noir, except instead of the lead being a male, it was Corky. I wanted to be like all the guys I project on to. I had been dancing for five months, so I was so floaty and I wanted to be in my body more like a boxer…Marlon Brando, Monty Clift, Robert Mitchum. all my nails and my hair off, and I started boxing. Gershon: I was coming right off of Showgirls, and I was so ultra femme in that. We're going to sell it to you." It was called "Vamp." All my makeup is like shades of violet, like my lipstick is purple-y.

We're saving it somebody, but they were supposed to pick it up yesterday. It had just come out, and I went into Chanel and they said, "Oh, we only have one bottle. Jennifer Tilly (Violet): I wanted my hair to have a violet sheen, so it's black but if you see it in the correct light, it's very dark. I mean, it's the typical part that I've watched my whole life, and it's never been a woman.

We will not let you do this movie." I never get to play the hero and to get the chick. Literally, I was told, "You are ruining your career doing this movie. Gina Gershon (Corky): My agents didn't want me to do it.