
Age of empires 2 hd build order mayans
Age of empires 2 hd build order mayans

Heavy Scorpions perform poorly against Woad Raiders, Eagle Warriors, Huskarls, and cavalry, which can dodge its missiles and close the gap quickly. Because of this, they are effective against slower units such as infantry, archers, and Monks, where its slower-moving bolts have maximum efficiency. Heavy Scorpions move slowly, have a slow fire rate and a minimum range of 2. Comparison among prominent civilizations Civilization + means that the civilization some civilization or team bonus or a unique technology that benefits the combat strength of the Heavy Scorpion.

age of empires 2 hd build order mayans

The technology being considered here is Siege Engineers.

age of empires 2 hd build order mayans

X means that the civilization can fully upgrade its Heavy Scorpions.

  • 1.1 Comparison among prominent civilizations.

  • Age of empires 2 hd build order mayans